Sunday, April 6, 2008

How To Optimize a Site With Frames

If you are new to SEO, you may have heard of webmasters frames. Frames allow webmasters to load pages of windows on the main page. These windows are also known as " frames ". The other windows on the site will remain the same. An advantage of using frames is that the menu of navigation could exist in a single file. Because of this, if a webmaster wanted to modify the menu for navigation, all they have to do is change a navigation menu file. If the navigation bar and was used on a page that does not use frames, the code will be placed on every page of the site and make changes to it would take much longer.
Server side includes have resolved many of the problems that were Caused by SEO frames. Many of the things that were used for frames now can be done in several ways. Because of this, some webmasters frames believe that are no longer needed. Nevertheless, if you prefer using frames on your site, there are techniques you can use to optimize it. It should be noted that there are some problems with using frames. While visitors to a site with frames will see the text on pages, the search engines will only be able to detect the code. Most search engines do not recognize frames, and can not travel through connections on frames.
Because this, the search engine will not be able to spider the pages of your site. To solve this problem, the first thing I want to do is add a NOFRAMES tag. This tag was invented by former sailors who were unable to detect frames. A NOFRAMES tag advise visitors to upgrade your browser to properly view your site. However, this does not solve the problem with the search engine. One thing you will want to do is add spider friendly content and links to the NOFRAMES tag. To keep search engines from listing your page without the navigation bar, you will want to add a code that will allow the search engine to list your entire site. Feel free to reprint this article, only the certainty that my signature file remains in tact and in the interior of the link is clickable to the proper destination. To learn more about what makes Aaron Nimocks visit your site in the directory Orchid. Business &

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